Circuit breaker and monitoring of a gRPC service in Ruby (Part 1)

gRPC is a well suited framework for a micro-services architecture, where there are small independent components talking to each other over the network. When I started building multiple components communicating with each other over gRPC, I started realizing there were needs for certain basic tools around a gRPC call (both server side and client side), which were not available out of the box. For example, things like instrumentation of gRPC calls, or a simple health API. I realized I was having to write these components every time I built a new service. This brought me to the idea of building a grpc-commons, which will be a set of basic tools required in a micro-services architecture. In this post, I will be focusing on a couple of things - circuit breaker & monitoring.

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Building Microservices using gRPC on Ruby

Today, REST with JSON is the most popular framework amongst web developers for network communication. But, it is not very suitable for a microservice architecture mainly because of latency added by JSON data transmission / serializing / deserializing.

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